Soy Sauce (Organic) – Kikkoman
Kikkoman Organic Soy Sauce. Tried and tested and now organic!
- Kikkoman organic soy sauce
- USDA certified organic
- Product of Japan
- 25.40 FL Oz
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Making Sushi Is Easier Than You Think! (Homemade Sushi Rolls – 巻き寿司)
Homemade Sushi rolls My cravings drove me to make homemade Sushi rolls for the first time😋 They may look a little difficult to make yourself, but it’s actually easier than most of you think. As it was my first attempt ... [READ MORE]

A Hot Summer Day Calls For This Refreshing Chinese Cold Noodle Dish: Hiyashi Chuka
When the weather is becoming like Summer, it makes me think of one of my favorite Chinese-style cold noodle dishes, which is called “Hiyashi-Chuka (冷やし中華)” in Japanese. The word “Hiyashi (冷やし)” means “cold” and the word “Chuka (中華)” means “Chinese” ... [READ MORE]

Cooking Makes You Happy Because It Makes Everyone Happy! (Spicy Soy Sesame Tsuke men)
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